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What we do

Together with our customers we create digital strategies that enable them to thrive in the digital transformation.

We develop high-quality and scalable software solutions and a range of digital experience services that meet our customers' unique needs, by following industry best practices and utilizing the latest technologies.  

We design, manage and implement software development regardless of the technology and supplier: we do not impose any technology but always look for and build the most suitable solution for the customer. 

We work daily with Java, Spring Boot, .NET, Node.JS, React, Docker and Linux among other things. For cloud platforms we use AWS, Azure, GKE and Kubernetes (on-cloud & on-prem). We are also well versed with a lot of other tech and products like Liferay and KeyCloak. Open source libraries and solutions are something we use throughout our projects.  


How we can help you

Organizations continually grapple with changing customer needs, market dynamics, and the rapid evolution of technology. We provide our clients with the support and solutions necessary to stay ahead in today's digital environment.

With our vast experience from hundreds of successfully completed projects for the most demanding customers, we have the confidence to take on any challenge. From us, you will get the entire service package: whether it’s about product concept creation, tailored software development, user interface design, increase of customer insight and user-orientation or project management.  

We offer ongoing support and maintenance to ensure our products stay up-to-date and meet our customers' evolving needs. 

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Our services within Software development 

Digital transformation

We help our customers create and implement effective technology strategies that guarantee that the future can be faced with confidence.

We provide guidance on a range of digital leadership topics, including digital transformation, innovation, and cybersecurity. Whether it's identifying opportunities for digital transformation or streamlining processes with the latest tools, our technology strategy services help our customers stay ahead of the curve.

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Portrett av en mann som sitter foran en PC og ser konsentrert ut


Software development

We provide custom software development services for businesses and organisations. Our experienced developers create efficient and reliable solutions, tailored to meet our clients' specific needs. From design to ongoing maintenance and support, we deliver high-quality software that helps our clients succeed in today's digital landscape. 

System & API integrations

Our system and API integration services help our customers streamline their business processes by integrating disparate systems and applications. Our experienced team of integration experts works closely with clients to understand their integration needs and helps achieve their desired outcomes by ensuring efficient and secure communication between systems and applications. 

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IT consulting​

Our IT consulting services help our customers optimise their IT strategy and infrastructure to meet their business objectives. We develop customised strategies to ensure their IT solutions are efficient, secure, and scalable.   

Our experienced team of IT consultants leverages their expertise to provide guidance on IT strategy, infrastructure, security, and emerging technologies.  

Quality & testing

We deliver end-to-end testing and quality assurance services. We help our clients achieve their desired outcomes by ensuring software solutions meet or exceed industry standards for quality and performance.

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Our DevOps services help our customers optimise their software development to be more efficient and agile.  

Our experienced team of DevOps experts leverages their expertise to provide guidance on continuous integration and delivery, automation, and infrastructure as code.  

Web development

Our experienced team of web developers leverages their expertise to deliver end-to-end web development services, including front-end and back-end development, as well as user experience design. 

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Mobile app development

We offer mobile development as a full service, including design, development and maintenance. We always help our clients to ensure that their mobile application is user-friendly, intuitive and performs well. 

Design & UX

Service design refers to the development of services and customer experience using user-driven methods. This is how we ensure that the solution fulfills the user’s needs and service provider’s business goals. 

We help our customers place users at the heart of design and decision making. Through engaging methods, such as interviews and observations, we obtain information about the users’ needs and requirements concerning the services and products. The earlier these needs are identified in the development process, the smoother and more cost-effective the implementation will be. 

With service design, we ensure smooth and easy-to-use services for all situations.  
We are experts in: 

  • Increasing customer and user insight 
  • Improving the user experience and usability of a product or service 
  • Visual modelling of user and service paths  
  • Prototyping and user interface design 
  • Improving digital service accessibility 
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Contact us

If you would like to hear more about our services and how we could help you, please fill in the form and we will contact you soon.