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Contact information

twoday Oy
Keskuskatu 3, 00100 Helsinki
Business ID: 1988069-3

Sales and requests for quotation:

Signom e-signing service


Niklas Lehtonen

Data, Analytics and AI

Patrick Dudley

Data, Analytics and AI

Sami Pesonen

AI Agent

Mikael Mäkelä

Business planning solutions

Mikko Kärki

Business Unit Director, Data, Analytics & AI

040 825 4428

Riku Rämänen

Consulting services, public administration

Oskari Huiskala

Tailored solutions

Robert Ruusunen

Tailored Solutions and Cloud Services

Vexi Savijoki

UX & Service Design

Karo Koskinen

Business Unit Director, Software and Product Development

Mika Rahkolin

Business Unit Director, Tailored Solutions and Cloud Services

Tuukka Tusa

Microsoft enterprise systems (Dynamics 365, Microsoft 365)

050 525 6840

Arto Ignatius

Microsoft Biz Apps

Petri Säkkinen

Business Unit Director, Business applications and Modern work solutions (Microsoft)

Pekka Sipola

Marketing development and utilization of AI

Jussi Kettunen

Sales Development, Sales Processes

Lauri Kurki

Sales Development

040 730 9033

Markku Laukka

Business Unit Director, Business applications (Salesforce), CEO twoday Biit Oy

Paavo Tervonen

E-signing, Signom

Jouko Kujala

Customer Success Solutions

Jyrki Niekkamaa

Business Unit Director, Digital Processes and Services

Petri Lillberg

Managing Director

Piia Valtokari

Finance and Administration

Aini Leppäkorpi

People & Culture

Mikko Katara

Marketing & Communications

Our offices

We have offices in eight locations, but we operate nationally.

Contact us

If you would like to hear more about our services and how we could help you, please fill in the form and we will contact you soon.


Invoicing information

In invoice-related matters, please send an email to:



Company: twoday Oy
Business ID: 1988069-3
E-invoicing address: 003719880693
E-invoice operator: Maventa (003721291126)

Intermediator ID when sending from bank network: DABAFIHH
(Please use this intermediator ID if your e-invoicing system does not allow you to send invoices directly to Maventa’s operator ID.)
E-invoicing address: FI5280001371125189
Operator: Danske Bank (DABAFIHH)


If you are not using e-invoicing, you can submit the invoices to our scanning service via email:

Invoices must be sent to our scanning service as PDF files attached to the email and the appendices to the invoice must be in the same format as the invoice. You can submit several invoices in one email; just make sure that each invoice is a separate attachment and has a unique name. Please note that the maximum size of one email is 5Mb.


Please send your paper invoices to the following address (this information must be provided in the invoice as well as on the envelope):
Twoday Oy
PL 100
80020 Kollektor Scan

Please send only invoice material to our scanning addresses. Email and paper mail are read automatically to our accounts ledger, which means that other information will not reach its recipient through this channel.